1992 Baretta
1992 Pulsation
1992 Sequential 2
1992 Silence [with Dr. Amo]
1992 Synsyl
1992 Synthadelic 3
1993 4 Voice 1 [with Maik Maurice]
1993 2350 Broadway 2CD [with Tetsu Inoue]
1993 Air 1 - You
1993 Alien Community 1 [with Johan Sharp]
1993 Crypt Corp. 3
1993 Crypt Corp. 4
1993 Crypt Corp. 5
1993 Deltraxx 3
1993 Deltraxx 4
1993 Deltraxx [with DJ Criss]
1993 Eq Tips Between The Mixes
1993 Escape 3
1993 Escape 4
1993 Fires of Ork [with Geir Jenssen]
1993 Hearts of Spase [with Pascal F.E.O.S.]
1993 Hearts of Space - with A Medium Into Trance
1993 Hemisphere [with Steve Stoll]
1993 Limelight [with DJ Brainwave]
1993 Merger - 1st Launch
1993 Minimalistic Source 3
1993 Namlook 1
1993 Namlook 2
1993 Olympic 4
1993 Oversize Pussy 3
1993 Oversize Pussy 4
1993 Passion [with Jurgen Rehberg]
1993 Sequential 4
1993 Sequental [with DJ Criss]
1993 Sextant 4
1993 Shades of Orion [with Tetsu Inoue]
1993 Silence 2 [with Dr. Atmo]
1993 Syn 3
1993 Synsyl 2
1994 2350 Broadway 2 2CD [with Tetsu Inoue]
1994 Air 2 Travelling Without Moving
1994 Alien Community 2 [with Johan Sharp]
1994 A New Consciousness [with Charles Uzzell Edwards]
1994 A New Consciousness 2 [with Charles Uzzell Edwards]
1994 Create 1 [with Charles Uzzell-Edwards]
1994 Definitive Ambien Collection vol. 2 [compilation]
1994 Escape 2CD [with Dr. Atmo]
1994 Music for Ballet
1994 Namlook 3 Aliens In My Suitcase
1994 Namlook 4
1994 Namlook 5
1994 Namlook 6
1994 Namlook 7 - Subharmonic Interference
1994 Namlook 8 - Blow the Fuse
1994 Namlook 9 - The Gate to the Milky Way
1994 Outland 1 [with Bill Laswell]
1994 Seasons Greeting - Autumm
1994 Seasons Greetings - Winter
1994 Shades of Orion 2 [with Tetsu Inoue]
1994 Silence 1+2 2CD [with Dr Atmo]
1994 Syn 2CD
1994 Wandering Soul [with Alban Gerhardt]
1994 Wechselspannung 1
1995 62 Eulengasse [with Tetsu Inoue]
1995 Dreamfish [with Mixmaster Morris]
1995 Dreamfish 2 [with Mixmaster Morris]
1995 Jet Chamber [with Atom Heart]
1995 Kooler [with Robert Sattler]
1995 Koolfang - Gig In The Sky [with David Moufang]
1995 Koolfang 2 - Jambient [with David Moufang]
1995 Namlook 10
1995 Psychonavigation 2 [with Bill Laswell]
1995 Seasons Greetings - Spring
1995 Seasons Greetings - Summer
1995 The Putney 2 [with Ludwig Rehberg]
1995 The Sunken Road [with Juergen Rehberg & Lucia Mense]
1994 Wechselspannung 2 [with Johan Sharp]
1996 2350 Broadway 3 [with Tetsu Inoue]
1996 Air 3 - Secret Heritage
1996 Amp 1
1996 Atom
1996 Create 2 [with Charles Uzzell-Edwards]
1996 Elektro 1 [with Robert Gorl]
1996 Jet Chamber 2 [with Atom Heart]
1996 Move D & Namlook I - Exploring The Psychedelic Landscape [with David Moufang]
1996 Namlook 11
1996 Outland 2 [with Bill Laswell]
1996 Ozoona [with Rob Gordon]
1996 Shades Of Orion 3 [with Tetsu Inoue]
1996 Sultan [with Burhan Ocal]
1996 The 4 Seasons
1996 Time 2 [with Tetsu Inoue]
1996 Zentrum fur Elektronische Musik
1997 Amp 2 [with Dandy Jack]
1997 Elektro 2 [with Robert Gorl]
1997 Pete Namlook & Hubertus Held
1997 Jet Chamber 3 [with Atom Heart]
1997 Move D & Namlook 2 - A Day In The Live! [with David Moufang]
1997 Namlook 12
1997 Pete Namlook & Hubertus Held
1997 Psychonavigation 3 [with Bill Laswell]
1997 S.H.A.D.O. [with Higher Intelligence Agency]
1998 4 Voice 2
1998 Jet Chamber 4 [with Atom Heart]
1998 Miles Apart [with Peter Prochir]
1998 Namlook 13 - License to Chill
1998 Planetarium [with New Composer]
1998 Polytime [with Karl Berger]
1998 Silence 3
1998 Silent Music
1998 Sultan Osman [with Burhan Ocal]
1998 Virtual Vices 1 [with Wolfram Spyra]
1999 8 Voice - Music Hypnotizes 2000
1999 Air 4
1999 Move D & Namlook 3 - The Retro Rocket [with David Moufang]
1999 Namlook 14 - Solarized
1999 Namlook 15 Free Your Mind
1999 Planetarium 2 [with New Composer]
1999 Psychonavigation 4 [with Bill Laswell]
1999 S.H.A.D.O. 2 [with Higher Intelligence Agency]
1999 Silence 4
1999 The Space Driver [with Marc Romboy]
2000 4 Voice 3
2000 Adlernebel [with DJ Dag]
2000 From Within 1 [with Richie Hawtin]
2000 From Within 2 [with Richie Hawtin]
2000 From Within 3 [with Richie Hawtin]
2000 Jet Chamber 5 [with Atom Heart]
2000 Move D & Namlook 4 - The Audiolounge [with David Moufang]
2000 Outland 4 [With Bill Laswell]
2000 Possible Gardens [with Peter Prochir]
2000 The Fires of Ork 2 [with Geir Jenssen]
2000 Virtual Vices 2 [with Wolfram Spyra]
2001 A View to a Chill [Compilation]
2001 Lisa Carbon - Trio De Janeiro
2001 Move D & Namlook 5 - Wired [with David Moufang]
2001 Move D & Namlook 6 - Live in Heidelberg [with David Moufang]
2001 Namlook 16 - New Organic Life
2001 Namlook 17 - New Organic Life 2
2001 Silence 5
2001 Virtual Vices 3 [with Wolfram Spyra]
2002 Move D & Namlook 7 - Home Shopping [with David Moufang]
2002 Namlook 18 - New Organic Life 3
2002 Psychonavigation 5 [with Bill Laswell]
2002 Syn 2
2002 Virtual Vices 4 [with Wolfram Spyra]
2003 10 Years of Silence 5CD [Compilation]
2003 Jet Chamber Collection [with Atom Heart]
2003 Outland 3 [with Bill Laswell]
2004 Music for Urban Meditation 1
2004 pp.nmlk [with Jochem Paap]
2004 Sultan Orhan [with Burhan Ocal]
2005 Air 4 - Elle A Du Shell
2005 Koolfang 3 - Be Aware [with David Moufang]
2005 Move D & Namlook 8 - The Art of Love [with David Moufang]
2005 Move D & Namlook 9 - Wagons-Lits [with David Moufang]
2005 Russian Spring [with New Composers]
2006 Air 5 - Jeux Dangereux
2006 Move D & Namlook 10 - Let the Circle Not Be Broken [with David Moufang]
2006 Move D & Namlook 11 - Sons of Kraut [with David Moufang]
2006 Move D & Namlook 12 - Space & Time [with David Moufang]
2006 Resonate [with Gaudi]
2006 Virtual Vices 5 [with Wolfram Spyra]
2007 2350 Broadway 4 [with Tetsu Inoue]
2007 Move В & Namlook 13 - Raumland Exploration [with David Moufang]
2007 Move В & Namlook 14 - Raumland Montage [with David Moufang]
2007 Music for Urban Meditation 2
2007 Move В & Namlook 15 - Raumland Sphare [with David Moufang]
2007 Outland 5 [with Bill Laswell]
2007 The Ambient Cookbook 2 4CD [Compilation]
2008 Move D & Namlook 16 - Travelling the Silk Route [with David Moufang]
2008 Move D & Namlook 17 - There! [with David Moufang]
2008 Move D & Namlook 18 - Sexoid [with David Moufang]
2008 Namlook 21 Subconscious Worlds
2008 Subharmonic Atoms
2008 Virtual Vices 6 [with Wolfram Spyra]
2009 Move D & Namlook - The Evolution of [with David Moufang]
2009 Move D & Namlook 19 - Dawning of a New Decade [with David Moufang]
2009 Move D & Namlook 20 - Taygete [with David Moufang]
2009 Namlook & Gabriel Le Mar
2009 Namlook 22 - Music For Urban Meditation 3
2009 Pearl
2009 The Evolution of [with David Moufang]
2010 Labyrinth 1 [with Lorenzo Montana]
2010 Move D & Namlook 21 - Stranger 1 [with David Moufang]
2010 Move D & Namlook 22 - Stranger 2 [with David Moufang]
2010 Move D & Namlook 23 - Stranger 3 [with David Moufang]
2010 Pearl 2
2010 Pearl 3
2010 Permutations
2011 Elektronik I [with Material Object]
2011 Labyrinth 2 [with Lorenzo Montana]
2011 Labyrinth 3 [with Lorenzo Montana]
2011 Labyrinth 4 [with Lorenzo Montana]
2011 Music for Babies
2011 Pearl 4
2012 Elektronik II [with Material Object]
2012 Labyrinth 5 [with Lorenzo Montana]
2012 Namlook 27 - Music for Urban Meditation IV
2012 Schwingungen Special [with Gaudi]
2012 The Ambient Gardener Spring [with friends]
2012 The Ambient Gardener Summer [with friends]